Why I Give: Tim Conners — The Louis August Jonas Foundation

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Why I Give: Tim Conners

Fellow Camp Rising Sun Alumni,

Tim Conners.jpg

I remember the day in 1973 when I was chosen to attend camp. It was an opportunity to leave the sedate environment of my small Minnesota town. I took my first plane ride and found myself at Camp where my life was forever changed.  Camp affected every fiber of my being. That summer taught me about diversity, educated me on a long list of topics, left me with a thirst for knowledge, encouraged me to see the wisdom of service to my fellow man, and left me with a longing to cut a path towards a better world!

After Camp, those memories and experiences faded a bit as I attended school, raised a family, and focused on my career. In the hustle and bustle of my personal life, I remembered that I made a commitment to Freddie to leave with more than I had received.  After meeting and enjoying the generosity of this great man, I was unsure how to fulfill my promise. It was not until the market crash of 2008 that made me take stock of my favorite charities. I realized, like so many others organizations, that LAJF was at risk.

This reality check lit a fire in me to get more involved locally in Minnesota. I felt reinvigorated helping with selection and being connected with other alumni. I once again felt the intense sparks which inspired me to serve on LAJF committees and eventually join the board. I have felt so fulfilled by being active in the alumni community.

In June, another group of campers will board planes, cross oceans and be impacted just as I was. Today the generosity of the CRS community is paying for more than half of the expenses of camp.  Please consider joining the hundreds of alumni who are supporting the 2018 campers. Please consider keeping Freddie’s visional alive with your personal gift of time, treasure, or talent today!

Tim Conners