On Tuesday, November 14, approximately 150 CRS alumni participated in #WearYourCRSTshirt17 day! Alumni from all over the world shared pictures of themselves wearing their CRS T-shirts, making us reminisce about our times at Camp. Thank you to all of those who took part in the celebration! To show her appreciation, Executive Director Helene Mattera has donated $150, one dollar per T-shirt! Next year’s goal is to surpass 150 t-shirts!
We give a big shout out to Hopka Zsóka, who owns 15 CRS T-shirts!

Hopka's CRS t-shirt collection. Which one(s) do you own?
View all of the #WearYourCRSTshirt17 photos below. You can also view these photos on our Facebook page! We look forward to seeing your photo next year.