John Mattera

Why I Give, by John Mattera '94


In the Spring you may have noticed the campaign led by the NYAA…We raised more than $50,000 in about one week’s time. I gave $5,000 which was a much larger gift than I’ve ever given to any organization. Why now? I have remained involved with Camp, however, only recently did I begin to understand the magnitude of Camp's financial situation. Camp has an amazing tradition of providing amazing campers with an amazing program... for free. And while the experience may have been magical, it was money, not magic, that made it happen.

I decided I wanted to do something to help. I contacted the Foundation and said that I wanted to give $5,000 but that I wanted my donation to encourage others to give. That inspired the NYAA President (who also happens to be my sister) to also pledge $5,000. She then contacted other NYAA members to join us in providing $5,000 matching gifts. Before we knew it, we had $25,000 in matching funds. Then we contacted the 2,000 New York alumni to help us get to each matching level.

The good news is that more alumni are giving now more than ever. At this critical juncture in the life of our organization we must look at our own capacity to help. Look at your situation at this time, think about the investment camp made in you. How have your career, family and friends been impacted by your experience at CRS? What is that worth to you? And what is it worth to you to give that opportunity to the next generation? 

Some alumni have said, “no one ever asked me to give.” Well, I’m asking you now. Please make a donation. Camp will be sustained if we invest in the future of our organization

Donate to Camp here.