LAJF's Alumni Relations Coordinator wrote about the World Reunion along with Camp Rising Sun's values, ideals, and what it means to be an alum.
2018 Shanghai mini CRS
Fall Retreat
Alumni Feature: David Ives
Board Update: Winter 2018
If you missed the board meeting on January 6 and would like to know what happened, then read this blog post. Updates were provided from LAJF staff and committee members, such as the Programs and Strategic Planning, and the Clinton renovations, summer-staff hiring, and Camper selection were discussed. Read the details here.
CRS Program Highlight: Arts and Music
Today, in the final post of the CRS-Program Area Highlight series, we hear from Eva Stylianou and Sofia Logan, former CRS Art and Music Counselors. Creative expression is an integral part of the CRS experience, and providing a space for campers to engage in the arts and music, provides campers the opportunity to “explore music and dance as tools for social change, telling different cultural stories through artistic expression.”
Season's Greetings 2017
Executive Director, Helene Mattera (‘97, ‘98, ‘00, ‘01, ‘10, ‘11, ‘12, ‘15, ‘16, ‘17) writes to Camp Rising Sun (CRS) alumni and friends of CRS. She highlights the past year, which includes various alumni gatherings and events, one-on-one visits, and visitors to the office. She invites everyone to attend Alumni Weekend at Camp, from July 20-22, 2018.
CRS Program Highlight: Wilderness/Hiking
This week’s CRS Program Highlight comes from Amit Singh, a counselor on the 2017 Wilderness Team. He discusses how the Red Hook camping trip was created, and the lessons the campers learned. He also discusses the ongoing need for purchasing new camping equipment. “The biggest advantage of this trip was that the campers got to experience Red Hook, and it was no longer this mystical place that the counselors talked about.”