Hello and welcome to this week's edition of the CRS Times! We’re this week’s editors, Veera and Daniela, and we are super excited to be sharing all of the juicy camp gossip of the week with you!
Meet the Editors
Hello, my name is Daniela. I am a first-year from Miami, Florida. I like to read, write in my journal, and watch movies. My favorite spot at Camp is the main building swing.
Hi everyone! I’m Veera, a first year camper from Finland! During my free time at Camp, and pretty much everywhere, I enjoy reading, singing & playing the guitar. My favorite spot at Camp is the tire swing near tent hill.
Leaders of the Week
This week we had more first year campers step into the shoes of a leader! Aside from regular leader responsibilities like assembly and dismissing tables for meals, the leaders also came up with themes for their days. Take a look at some of the themes of the day below!
Saturday: Astrid (Greece) & Veera (Finland)
Theme of the day: Sustainability
Sunday: Anna (Hungary), Lily (US-NY) & Ella (US-NJ)
Theme of the day: One with nature
Monday: Carla (Peru) & Maxine (Germany)
Theme of the day: Musical identity
Tuesday: Mira (US-CA) & Heehyun (US-NJ)
Theme of the day: Spa day
Wednesday: Daani (The Netherlands) & Niki (US-NY)
Theme of the day: Harry Potter
Council day, Thursday: Helmi (Finland) & Jenny (US-MN)
Theme of the day: Making memories
Rest day, Friday: Karol (US-CA) & Marilia (Greece)
Theme of the day: Random
Projects & Vigils Preparation
Here at Camp, we’ve been working hard to finish our projects before the end of the season. Aside from the continuation of mural paintings and building picnic tables, we also focused on clearing trails in preparation for upcoming vigils happening in the woods next week!
Main building mural coming along
Evening Programs
This week our evening programs were definitely different from the last two weeks; we did everything from dancing Zumba and making short films to planting trees and learning about sustainability. In one particular evening program, we practiced radical imagination to think about what type of world we would want to live in in the year 2070!
Campers getting into character while filming movies
Our amazing Zumba instructors Lindsey, Dana & Phoebe!
A contemporary dance lesson led by second year, Sarah (US-CO)
Torie (US-CO) and Sigrid (Denmark) share their timeline for an ideal world in 2070
Highlights of the week
COVID-19 update
After a long week of testing, masks & other safety precautions we are finally glad to have the whole camp back together at the beginning of week 3!
Nature trips
On Monday and Tuesday, some of our campers went on hiking trips to the Kaaterskill falls and to the old CRS camp in Red Hook! The hikers got to see the beautiful views and cook their own meals on the campfire they built. The trips were led by selected campers, who came up with fun activities and themes for the day.
Moving Day
On Wednesday, we finally got to switch tents after its postponement due to COVID-19. Although many campers were sad to leave behind their old tents and tent mates that they made many good memories, overall, we agreed that it was time for a change and were excited to get closer to new people!
Variety Show
This week’s variety shows theme was the club! The gym was decorated with different lights and the audience was given glow sticks and soda to fit the theme. We got to see lots of different talents from dancing to leaf blowing!
The evening was topped off with a dance battle between Slytherin and Gryffindor - the Harry Potter themed houses that campers were sorted into earlier in the day.
Themed dinner: Cultural Met Gala
The week was wrapped up on Friday, when the leaders of the week prepared their themed dinner for a cultural Met Gala! We enjoyed camper made meals from all over the world and listened to everyone’s favorite songs from their home countries.
Letters From Camp
Salam!! J’espere que tout le monde va bien, ici todo bien, ich liebe dich, 사랑해, minä rakastan sinua, Σε αγαπώ, gros bisous!!
-Maha (Morocco)
Happy birthday mom! I love you!
-Molly (US-MN)
Hoi mama en papa!
Allereerst wil ik mama een geweldige verjaardag wensen, je moet er maar het beste van maken zonder je favoriete dochter bij je thuis. Ik kom eraan hoor, maak je geen zorgen. De sterre hier zijn nog mooier en helderder dan in heiloo, geen sprankeltje light pollution! Echt GE-WEL-DIG, als we eens een keer alle 3 in NY zijn moeten we samen naar de Kaaterskills waterfalls gaan en ook gaan stargazen!
Ik hou van jullie en tot snel!
-Daani (The Netherlands)
엄마 하이~, 난 잘지내고 있어. 일곱밤뒤에 보자 사랑해~
-Amy (US-NJ)